Save The Date

We are pleased to announce that the African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD) and the Coalition for Operational Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases (COR-NTD), are hosting the second International Conference on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Research (InCORNTD) in Africa on January 20-22, 2025 in Kigali, Rwanda.
Join us for the second gathering on NTD research in this region, following the success of our previous meeting. The inaugural meeting occurred in December 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya, igniting great enthusiasm within the region.
This second meeting aims to bring together key stakeholders to address how to eliminate NTDs from the region through operational and carefully focused research. The objectives of this meeting are two-fold: 1) to inform the NTD community about new research results and 2) to prioritize remaining operational research questions, the list of which will be shared with donors for funding consideration. Topics during the meeting will include, but are not limited to: schistosomiasis diagnostics, monitoring and elimination guidelines, new tools and approaches for onchocerciasis elimination, skin NTD integration, last mile of trachoma elimination, harmonizing geostatistical tools and artificial intelligence for NTDs and integrated xenomonitoring for lymphatic filariasis.
Please take a moment to share the challenges you are facing in eliminating NTDs that may benefit from a breakout session discussion or operational research via this survey (enfrançais, emportuguês, English) by Aug. 31, 2024. Your answers will help to identify additional topics for the meeting.
Also, please consider joining us in these efforts by sponsoring this year’s meeting. A sponsorship prospectus can be found here. More information about registration and abstract submission will follow in the next few months.
We believe that together, we can make progress towards eliminating NTDs worldwide.