Gustave Simo
Gustave Simo received his PhD in 2001 from the University of Yaoundé 1(Cameroon) and his Habilitation from the University of Montpellier, France. He heads the Molecular Parasitology and Entomology Unit of the Department of Biochemistry at Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, Cameroon. He served as a Visiting Scientist at Bay Paul Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Simo was Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at the Division of Functional Genome analysis (B070) of DKFZ, Heidelberg. He served also as visiting scientist at B070 Division in 2012 and 2014. Dr. Simo is EFINTD fellow and member of several network including TrypanoGEN, and ARNTD where he is serving as Management board member. He collaborates with western (France, Belgium, Germany, UK) and African (Uganda, Gabon, Burkina Faso, DRC, Ivory Coast, Zambia) research institutions. His research involves field studies and basic research in various fields. Dr. Simo conducted investigations on the animal reservoir of T. b. gambiense, population genetics of trypanosomes and tsetse flies, mRNA and miRNA expression profiles during trypanosome infections. His current ongoing projects are focused on the molecular epidemiology of neglected tropical and neglected zoonotic diseases including the molecular epidemiology of brucellosis and African trypanosomoses, the drug resistance in trypanosome, the development of molecular diagnostic test for STH and the understanding of tripartite interactions between tsetse/trypanosomes/symbionts. Other projects of interest are on molecular characterization of tick and molecular epidemiology of tick borne diseases as well breast cancer genetics and the epidemiology of cervical cancer in relation to human Papillomavirus infections.